Legal overviews
100% of cases won: myth or reality?
- Service: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution
- Date: 16.08.2019
The legal market in Russia is highly competitive, and wartime, as we know, is a time to use any means to win, even such questionable means as doubtful advertising. You have probably seen such slogans as “Guaranteed win” and “No.1 company on the market.” Can such promises and numbers be trusted?
Criticizing the authorities and the consequences
- Service: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution
- Date: 27.06.2019
The so-called law on offending the authorities cannot be used against people engaged in criticism, said Russian President Vladimir Putin during the traditional live teleconference.
Supreme Court sides with creditors in individual bankruptcy cases
- Services: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution, Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions
- Date: 16.01.2019
Russian Supreme Court explains issues tied to forming and distribution of bankruptcy assets.
How to avoid impairment of consumer rights and penalties. New recommendations of the Russian Supreme Court
- Services: Health Care and Pharmaceutical Industry, Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution, Contract Law, Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions
- Date: 05.07.2017
Supreme Court reveals new signs of consumer rights impairment.
Old song, new tune: cadastral valuation once again
- Services: Real Estate and Construction, Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution
- Date: 01.03.2017
Russian regions were given the power to decide on introducing a moratorium on revising the cadastral value, but few used the opportunity.
Court upholds car distributor’s right to out-of-court unilateral refusal to perform dealer agreement
- Services: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution, Antitrust Law
- Date: 21.09.2016
Court: dealer agreement is not an agreement of adhesion.
No risk, no inspection: a risk-oriented approach for state supervisory activity
- Services: Food industry, Anti-Corruption Law / Compliance, Labor and Migration Law, Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution
- Date: 19.09.2016
A risk-oriented approach will be used for purposes of improving and enhancing effectiveness of control and supervisory activity in the course of inspections.
Fee for using another person’s money – new rates to apply soon
- Services: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution, Contract Law
- Date: 12.07.2016
Use of another person’s money now costs more, but is free by default, and calculation of interest is made simpler.
Russian Arbitration Procedural Code is around the corner! New arbitral procedure rules – from June 01 in every court of the country
- Service: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution
- Date: 02.06.2016
Mandatory pre-trial procedure and court orders in commercial arbitration courts are familiar notions in a new form.
Russian Supreme Court clarifies customs law
- Services: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution, Customs Law
- Date: 25.05.2016
Plenum of Russian Supreme Court for the first time explains issues concerning courts applying customs law