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Victor Kaluzhski
Patent Attorney
Intellectual Property
Victor Kaluzhski is an Associate of the Intellectual Property practice at CLS and a Patent Attorney.
Victor graduated Law School at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Higher School of Economics. In 2020, he entered the LL.M. program in Intellectual Property at the St. Petersburg Branch of the Higher School of Economics.
Victor has experience in projects on trademark registration, including successful challenge of grounds for denial of registration, as well as implementation of other registration actions as to trademarks under the Russian procedure and the Madrid system. He also has broad experience in coordinating parallel registration procedures for a portfolio of trademarks in several CIS countries.
Victor’s expertise also includes participation in projects on auditing companies’ rights to intellectual property, identifying risks and preparing recommendations for minimizing them as part of due diligence procedure, as well as experience in analyzing processes of creating and registering work-related results of intellectual activity in order to develop measures for minimizing risks for an employer.
In addition, Victor has experience in projects on developing strategies to combat counterfeit and parallel import, including registration of trademarks in the Customs Intellectual Property Register, as well as communication with the Russian and Belorussian customs authorities and law enforcement agencies in order to identify counterfeit goods. Moreover, Victor is actively involved in court proceedings on bringing violators to administrative liability.
The Intellectual Property practice, of which Victor is a part, takes high positions in annual international and domestic ratings WTR 1000, Pravo-300, Kommersant in IP: registration and consulting and in Personal Data Protection.