Customs Law
The firm has extensive experience in consulting clients in foreign trade, including on various customs issues. Associates specialized in this field provide clients comprehensive legal support at the stage preceding customs declaration of goods, as well as in the course of potential administrative inspections by the customs authorities and in customs disputes.
We also provide legal support in customs-related criminal cases, starting from elaboration of a strategy for defending the client, to representing the client’s interests before law enforcement authorities.
Our services:
- Customs structuring:
- - Assistance with documenting export and import supply chains;
- - Analysis of restrictions on import and export of certain goods;
- - Advising on available customs preferences and preferential regimes;
- Consulting on issues of goods customs value, including disputable issues of including license fees into the customs value;
- Analysis of foreign trade documents as to customs risks, negotiations with customs representatives at the stage of signing agreements on customs declaration of goods and subsequent interaction with them;
- Consulting on issues of certification in the course of importing goods to Russian customs territory, monitoring and control over quality and safety of goods being imported;
- Elaboration of a legal position and representing the client in the course of administrative proceedings on customs-related administrative violations;
- Support during on-site and field customs inspections, including preparation of responses to queries from the customs authorities, appeal of results of customs inspections;
- Elaboration of defense strategy for the client in criminal cases initiated by customs authorities;
- Challenging decisions of customs authorities on classification of goods as per foreign trade classification of goods of the Customs Union as well as other decisions, actions and inaction of the customs authorities.
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