How Russian companies can go to court with an Indian contracting party
- Services: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution, International business structuring and planning
- Date: 15.05.2024
Indian courts are so overburdened that 10-year-old disputes are being heard there. The High Court of Delhi, for example, has examined 8,000 such civil cases in 2022-2023.
Proving an inter-company loan
- Service: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution
- Date: 12.08.2022
Under the Russian Civil Code, a loan involving legal entities must be in writing, irrespective of the amount. But what if there is no written agreement, and the money transfer is confirmed by a bank statement? The Supreme Court responds: this type of proof will also suffice, but only in conjunction with other proof.
How online hearings in Russia have changed over the last two years
- Service: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution
- Date: 20.06.2022
Attending court hearings through web conferencing has made some processes easier, but has created new challenges as well. Learn more about the ups and downs of the online system from a litigation lawyer here.
But what about the client?
- Service: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution
- Date: 11.09.2019
Let’s say you ordered services from a company, say, building a house. The house was built, but with many flaws, and you still can’t live in it because of the numerous shortcomings.
“Please fix the defects, then I will pay,” you say. “I would like but I can’t, as I am going bankrupt,” the contractor will answer. “Then I too won’t be paying,” you summarize.
Any businessman can be charged with a crime
- Service: Commercial Arbitration and out-of-court dispute resolution
- Date: 02.06.2017
Increasing liability for company heads and business owners is becoming a modern trend. Entrepreneurs are apprehensive due to the fact that today companies being held liable for tax offences has smoothly turned into pressure on business on the part of the investigative authorities, and the decision on a market participant’s bankruptcy is immediately accompanied by increased interest of the law enforcement agencies.