Natural resources / Energy
Mining is a growing strategic sector of Russian economy which is attractive for investors. CLS provides comprehensive legal support for transactions in this sector.
Our services:
Structuring foreign investment into Russian natural resources
Due diligence of companies engaged in use of subsoil rights
Advice on corporate structuring for acquisitions of companies engaged in extracting natural resources, including oil and coal, for example
Advice on antitrust issues concerning natural monopolies and companies holding dominant positions on a market
Drafting agreements for companies engaged in mining, minerals exploration, development and extraction, and cooperation agreements, operator agreements, and agreements for geological studies
Advice on use of land plots and subsoil blocks
Advice on required authorizations and compliance certificates, and the regulation applicable to operating hazardous industrial facilities
Advice on license agreements, amendments to license agreements, and relicensing issues
Interaction with state authorities to obtain licenses and permits
Tax advice for companies engaged in extracting natural resources
Advice on construction, reconstruction and maintenance of energy facilities
Advice on environmental risks associated with exploration and development of natural resources
Advice on industrial safety in the course of minerals exploration and development
Dispute resolution pertaining to subsoil use and development of other natural resources
Defense of client interests in the course of administrative, court and arbitration proceedings