Protection of information and trade secrets
Due to the active development of information technologies and use of various technical means in professional activities and everyday life, modern society is now called the “information society.” This term was developed and justified by Yukihide Hayashi, professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology. According to him, the main trait of modern reality are the constant changes related to continuous updating of technical means used in people’s activities to transmit, save and use information.
In the time of developed information technologies in the context of changing legislation in this field and significant impact of information technologies on business activities, the need to protect confidential information and establish a trade secret regime is taking on particular importance.
In practice the issues related to protecting information and maintaining trade secrets are most important for banking and credit organizations, microfinancial organizations, organizations that import and use within their activities software containing cryptographic (encryption) means, as well as for enterprises using know-how in their activities.
Our services:
Consulting on issues of applying legislation
Conducting audit of companies’ internal documents as pertains to regulating protection of confidential information and establishing trade secret regime
Consulting and assisting companies on issues of establishing and maintaining a trade secret regime at an enterprise, including development of necessary documents
Consulting on issues of data center activities (including outside Russia)
Consulting on issues of personal data protection, including cross-border data transmission
Consulting on issues of importing equipment and software containing cryptographic information, including obtaining permits and licenses from various government authorities, including the Federal Security Service
Consulting and supporting companies on issues of internal control of their activities in the context of legislative anticorruption requirements, including development of relevant documents